coming soon

RORA was founded with venture design as its focus, but in 2022 we included social purpose as part of our core value proposition. Why? In our commitment toward equity, we understand that neither our peers nor our community at large is looking for shapeless platitudes about change. There is no finish line for the necessary advocacy that equity demands. The action occurs at all times. 

As hate crimes continue to escalate and anti-racism protests sweep through the country, it is clear, more than ever, the need for continued action. A one-time donation to an underrepresented organization or a blacked-out Instagram post may show solidarity for equity reform but lacks a genuine public commitment to the continued learning and transformation that our shared environments require. When it is clear that returning “back to normal” is a harmful inaction, we’ve asked, “how might RORA design a better approach toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, not only in policy but in persistent practice?”

To say we are a social purpose consultancy means we are grounded in research while qualitatively and quantitatively measuring our efforts. It is a comprehensive journey—one in which we look forward to sharing soon.

— leisha Muraki, Founder of RORA